Eastern Great Lakes Fiber Conference is a completely “volunteer-powered” enterprise, including a hard-working Publicity Team whose sole purpose is to do just that! They’ve put together a half-page flyer that you can print and share with your friends or customers. To be available here soon!
But nothing beats word-of-mouth to share in the enthusiasm of attending a unique fiber conference and weekend retreat to whet the appetite of fiber love like that of EGLFC. Autumn is a great time of year to invigorate our enthusiasm for fiber arts — a passion that’s particularly suited for the long, gray winters in our northern climate.
Start by connecting fiber friends with our website And check back for publicity updates.
Volunteer at the Conference
Many volunteer hours go into planning EGLFC. Many more are needed during the conference itself. Some ways you can volunteer a small portion of your time during the conference weekend are:
- Registration/Check-in Table
- Set-up/Take-down events
- Take a shift in the Exhibit Hall
- Be a runner at the Studio Bonanza
- Model in the Fashion Show
Sign up for a volunteer job when you register for the conference or contact us at
Join the 2027 EGLFC Team
Many volunteer hours go into planning EGLFC. It’s a great way to meet people and share your love of fiber arts with like minded individuals. There are a variety of roles and committees to join in support of EGLFC. Believe it or not, we will soon need to line up leadership for 2027!
- EGLFC Chair
- Registrar
- Treasurer
- Program
- Publicity
- Banquet
- Fundraiser
- Webmaster
- Fiber Exhibit
- Fashion Show
- Food/Menu
- Social Media
Contact us if you’d like to be part of the team at
Thanks for all you do for EGLFC!